Home > Hair Transplant: Average Costs, How Does It Work And What Are Its Benefits

Hair Transplant: Average Costs, How Does It Work And What Are Its Benefits

Hair Transplant: Average Costs, How Does It Work And What Are Its Benefits

In case your hair is already thinning or balding, there are already various things that you can do to address the problem. One of the solutions that you can consider is a hair transplant. This article lists down everything that you need to know about it, including its average costs, how it works, as well as the numerous benefits that you can reap from it.

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Average Costs

The costs of undergoing a hair transplant can vary but the average costs of a session can range from $4000 to $15000. The final cost that you may need to settle will greatly depend on the extent of the transplant procedure as well as the availability of surgeons in your vicinity. Another factor that can affect the price that you have to pay for a hair transplant is the experience of the surgeon who will be performing the procedure. Even the surgical technique chosen will have an impact on the costs of the procedure.

How Does it Work?

In a gist, a hair transplant is a process of taking the hair that you have in other parts of your body and using it to cover an area where there is no hair but it is desired. More often than not, the hair is taken from the back of your head, but there are also instances wherein it is taken from other parts of your body. Before you delve into undergoing the procedure, make sure to take the time to research not only how it works, but its efficacy and risks. In this way, there is a great chance for you to come across the article ‘is scalp micropigmentation safe?’ from Eximious Barbershop. From there, you will have a good idea of the risks and possible side effects that you may need to endure after undergoing the procedure, as well as the benefits that you can reap from it.

The surgeon who will be handling your case may choose from follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or a follicular unit extraction (FUE). The former involves the processing of smaller fragments from the source area of your body which is referred to as grafts while the latter involves taking individual follicles out of the scalp skin. In any of the approaches, you can request to be sedated to stay asleep throughout the procedure.

Regardless of the specific approach that the surgeon uses, the entire process may take anywhere from several hours to several days to complete. Rest assured that you will be able to go home right after the procedure. However, the area where the process was done may still be swollen which is why the surgeon might inject the appropriate medicine to keep the swelling down. You may also be prescribed to take pain medications for the next few days after the procedure.

Benefits of Hair Transplant

  • Improved Appearance

One of the primary benefits of hair transplant is improved appearance mainly because most people experiencing baldness are often disappointed with the way their mane looks. With a hair transplant, the balding areas will be filled with luscious hair. After the procedure, they will most likely feel more confident as they feel happier with the way that they look.

  • Permanent Remedy

Another benefit of hair transplant is that it is a permanent remedy for baldness. This means that you may only need to undergo the procedure once for you to see the intended results. However, this still depends on the extent of the baldness that you want to address. While you may need to shell out a significant amount of money upfront, every penny that you spend will prove to be worth it in the end, even allowing you to save a significant sum as you no longer need to purchase various hair treatment products to address thinning hair problems.

  • Low Maintenance

Finally, a hair transplant is a treatment that is not difficult to maintain even after a long time. You just need to take the necessary measures to recover properly because as soon as you do, you only need to treat your transplanted hair like regular hair. In this case, make sure to wait a few days after the surgery before you wash your hair.

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If you intend to undergo a hair transplant procedure, then you have to make sure that you have ample funds to see it through. Rest assured that as hair from the thicker parts of your scalp or body is grafted to the thinning portions of your scalp, your mane will be rejuvenated to look thicker and healthier. Aside from this, you are sure to reap all the other benefits that a hair transplant can bring, including a much-needed confidence boost.

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