Home > 1000 Elf Names Collection [Male, Female, Funny Names]

1000 Elf Names Collection [Male, Female, Funny Names]

1000 Elf Names Collection [Male, Female, Funny Names]

Find out the Best Elf Names to use in your fantasy world. We listed over 1000 Funny, Male, Female, D&D Elf names that will surprise you. 

An elf is a type of human-shaped supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves seem generally to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. However, the details of these beliefs have varied considerably over time and space, and have flourished in both pre-Christian and Christian cultures.

In fantasy stories, we often run into good elf that leads the victory. And there is also evil elf who mislead and tricks protagonist. Like humans, an elf can be kind and good or evil and insidious.

If you are looking for some good elf names for your elf character. Here is a list of a bunch of elves names.

D&D names for Male and Female elves

An elf in the D&D fantasy is a humanoid race. It is one of the primary races available for the player character. Elves are renowned for their grace and mastery of magic and weapons.

Below is the list of names for elves from D&D.

100 Male Elves Name


  1. Carran
  2. Vakian
  3. Erro
  4. Thelamin
  5. Sarbalar
  6. Ianzumin
  7. Ralofaren
  8. Dornorin
  9. Ilitoris
  10. Thefir
  11. Daeqen
  12. Kelzeiros
  13. Thezeiros
  14. Urimenor
  15. Adris
  16. Wrancan
  17. Glynmaer
  18. Omafir
  19. Beiyarus
  20. Perjeon
  21. Daero
  22. Yinquinal
  23. Farnelis
  24. Ililamin
  25. Farwarin
  26. Tranorin
  27. Qipeiros
  28. Adjor
  29. Carwarin
  30. Zumlamin
  31. Genlar
  32. Fargolor
  33. Craxalim
  34. Dorneiros
  35. Wranxalim
  36. Fenhice
  37. Sarwraek
  38. Zumtoris
  39. Elbalar
  40. Syllar
  41. Mormenor
  42. Qipeiros
  43. Aequinal
  44. Adneiros
  45. Umelar
  46. Ralojor
  47. Morvalur
  48. Petsalor
  49. Carmyar
  50. Ianwarin
  51. Waesberos
  52. Virhice
  53. Virro
  54. Wransalor
  55. Herceran
  56. Adnorin
  57. Iannelis
  58. Elaquinal
  59. Rokas
  60. Wranris
  61. Beihorn
  62. Beikian
  63. Rofaren
  64. Fenmaris
  65. Sylren
  66. Urifir
  67. Elaro
  68. Leolar
  69. Vahice
  70. Padan
  71. Fenhorn
  72. Qikian
  73. Petlen
  74. Norwraek
  75. Elyarus
  76. Thetoris
  77. Ralobalar
  78. Qinzeiros
  79. Norwarin
  80. Vaneiros
  81. Cramaer
  82. Tragolor
  83. Rokas
  84. Beidan
  85. Fenlar
  86. Hermenor
  87. Perven
  88. Kelris
  89. Daeric
  90. Fenmenor
  91. Dorkas
  92. Ilixidor
  93. Ralolar
  94. Yinsalor
  95. Fenlar
  96. Morven
  97. Hermaer
  98. Olowraek
  99. Zumpeiros
  100. Kelven

So which one do you like the most?

Female Elf Names

Do you want some Female Elf Names for your Fantasy World? Here are some of the best names that you can pick.

  1. Oriphyra
  2. Eilynore
  3. Ravaxisys
  4. Inana
  5. Ensys
  6. Loragwyn
  7. Holanala
  8. Zinfina
  9. Biwynn
  10. Sylgella
  11. Xilroris
  12. Grestina
  13. Wysaxisys
  14. Daqirelle
  15. Faehana
  16. Phifiel
  17. Wysarie
  18. Lialee
  19. Nerihana
  20. Ulathana
  21. Gilhana
  22. Sylsatra
  23. Chaekrana
  24. Reyrona
  25. Daera
  26. Grerie
  27. Valrona
  28. Chaerora
  29. Zylroris
  30. Reyjyre
  31. Yessatra
  32. Reyroris
  33. Triskalyn
  34. Trisrieth
  35. Valrel
  36. Zylfina
  37. Urifina
  38. Eilkrana
  39. Keylana
  40. Keyrora
  41. Daezana
  42. Yllasatra
  43. Venfiel
  44. Yesjyre
  45. Quiwynn
  46. Orizana
  47. Grewynn
  48. Gilmoira
  49. Qihana
  50. Zinroris
  51. Shazana
  52. Dawenys
  53. Gilstina
  54. Shafiel
  55. Gilxisys
  56. Qidove
  57. Trisrel
  58. Iarharice
  59. Wynsatra
  60. Loragella
  61. Gilrona
  62. Iarrel
  63. Inasatra
  64. Shafiel
  65. Wysasatra
  66. Quixina
  67. Xilcyne
  68. Xilra
  69. Sylbanise
  70. Xyrgwyn
  71. Zinxina
  72. Nerimys
  73. Chaebella
  74. Faefina
  75. Jorieth
  76. Magcyne
  77. Enkrana
  78. Miayra
  79. Quirona
  80. Araxisys
  81. Trislee
  82. Syllee
  83. Gregwyn
  84. Greharice
  85. Presnala
  86. Holamys
  87. Birel
  88. Miara
  89. Helera
  90. Keythyra
  91. Jowynn
  92. Zylrie
  93. Dalee
  94. Daelynn
  95. Preslana
  96. Liabella
  97. Eiljyre
  98. Daleth
  99. Caixisys
  100. Shaphine

200 Elf Surnames

An elf is a member of one of the longest-lived species on “Azeroth”.  They are known for keen perception, grace, and spell work. Elves believed to be the first race to awaken on Azeroth.

Some of the surname of famous elves’s are here:

  1. Adanell
  2. Aelasar
  3. Aelorothi
  4. Aendryr
  5. Aerasumé
  6. Aeravansel
  7. Aldaval
  8. Aloiene
  9. Alqualonde
  10. Amaratharr
  11. Amarthen
  12. Ammath
  13. Amrallatha
  14. Anuaer
  15. Ardorius
  16. Artordhron
  17. Augalvaryl
  18. Beinion
  19. Beor
  20. Braegen
  21. Briarbosk
  22. Brightcloak
  23. Brightsong
  24. Brightspear
  25. Brightstar
  26. Brightwing
  27. Castien
  28. Caundur
  29. Celelaeth
  30. Cererindur
  31. Chamaranthe
  32. Clatharla
  33. Corellon
  34. Cormyth
  35. Coudoarluth
  36. Craulnober
  37. Crystalis
  38. Cubrinmyr
  39. Darkbrood
  40. Darkwing
  41. Deryth
  42. Dor-lomin
  43. Dragonrider
  44. Eaglelord
  45. Ealoloth
  46. Ealoviel
  47. Earcorn
  48. Elaéyadar
  49. Elassidil
  50. Elerelwa
  51. Elian
  52. Elkenmage
  53. Ellarian
  54. Elond
  55. Erladden
  56. Erlshade
  57. Eroth
  58. Eruien
  59. Erunonidan
  60. Estelda
  61. Evanara
  62. Faefindas
  63. Faelen
  64. Faenion
  65. Faenor
  66. Faerondalan
  67. Felarathael
  68. Finwe
  69. Floralei
  70. Flyleaf
  71. Frostfang
  72. Gaelen
  73. Galaalta
  74. Goldenleaf
  75. Gourael
  76. Greencloak
  77. Gwaelon
  78. Hadirsyr
  79. Hador
  80. Haell
  81. Haerlgent
  82. Haleth
  83. Hasterien
  84. Hatanar
  85. Helion
  86. Hessarion
  87. Idhtulcdrach
  88. Ievos
  89. Iliathorr
  90. Ilnatar
  91. Immeril
  92. Impanton
  93. Imphenon
  94. Ipyllasc
  95. Irian
  96. Isiliraiellyn
  97. Kadhorduil
  98. Kithsidhion
  99. Kraok
  100. Laedireil
  101. Laelithar
  102. Lannarseer
  103. Laralytha
  104. Larbrinlal
  105. Larenthanil
  106. Larethian
  107. Lashrael
  108. Lassagaseer
  109. Lasslail
  110. Leaadion
  111. Liondale
  112. Lithelon
  113. Lithron
  114. Maedhros
  115. Maeglin
  116. Maeir
  117. Maertel
  118. Magor
  119. Maltathdar
  120. Moondown
  121. Moonflower
  122. Moonford
  123. Moonglade
  124. Moonshrine
  125. Moorfly
  126. Nenaias
  127. Nhachashaal
  128. Nhaéslal
  129. Nharimlur
  130. Nightstar
  131. Nightswatch
  132. Nightwing
  133. Noldorin
  134. Norodiir
  135. Northstar
  136. Oaktree
  137. Ongluth
  138. Orama
  139. Orbryn
  140. Quendi
  141. Redwing
  142. Rhothomir
  143. Rhuidhen
  144. Rhyllgallohyr
  145. Rivleam
  146. Rivvikyn
  147. Runemaster
  148. Sarsantyr
  149. Selmer
  150. Shinestar
  151. Shiredove
  152. Silkstream
  153. Siltral
  154. Silverbow
  155. Silverhand
  156. Silveroak
  157. Silverspear
  158. Simserion
  159. Snowfell
  160. Snowreign
  161. Stillhawk
  162. Stilmyst
  163. Stormspear
  164. Straeth
  165. Strongbow
  166. Suldusk
  167. Sunfoal
  168. Sunshield
  169. Sunstar
  170. Sylleth
  171. Tassarion
  172. Tathdel
  173. Taurntyrith
  174. Telerie
  175. Tellynnan
  176. Teshurr
  177. Thalien
  178. Thoimion
  179. Thothiion
  180. Thundruil
  181. Tipantdon
  182. Turnvale
  183. Tyrell
  184. Vanamaeduil
  185. Vanvathar
  186. Vispasial
  187. Voronbund
  188. Vyshaan
  189. Waelvor
  190. Werloththar
  191. Whitethistle
  192. Windslore
  193. Windstar
  194. Windwalker
  195. Wingglide
  196. Wintermoon
  197. Wolfspeak
  198. Yrauos

Christmas Elf names

The elves are intelligent and highly skilled. They help Santa to design and make toys every year. The original elves still work with Santa at the North Pole. They make the magic of Christmas come alive. The modern children’s folklore of Santa Claus typically includes small, nimble, green-clad elves with pointy ears, long noses, and pointy hats, as Santa’s helpers. They make the toys in a workshop located in the North Pole.

The role of elves as Santa’s helpers has continued to be popular.

Here are the names of Santa’s original Christmas elves:

  1. Rusty Puddingfoot
  2. Snow Frostymitten
  3. Bluebell Crackleplum
  4. Wink Bustlefeast
  5. Jangle Goodycane
  6. Fudge Ivydash
  7. Starlight Sweetivy
  8. Gingersnap Busymoon
  9. Mince Magicmoon
  10. Sparkle Everivy
  11. Flake Goodhope
  12. Jingle Ribbonlight
  13. Fir Nightfrost
  14. Ice Nippystar
  15. Jolly Hollyjump
  16. Gingernuts Grottotoy
  17. Bushy Milktree
  18. Tinsel Everhug
  19. Berry Caroljoy
  20. Tinkles Candlebow
  21. Dash Jinglefoot
  22. Fruity Cidermitten
  23. Honeycomb Flippyguest
  24. Eve Eversleigh
  25. Bluebell Frostywarmth
  26. Cookie Jiggleball
  27. Flake Rhymeglitter
  28. Trixie Plummitten
  29. Topper Goodsong
  30. Perky Chimneyivy
  31. Rusty Miraclewarmth
  32. Noel Mittenwine
  33. Fruity Cookiewine
  34. Mistle Cuddlecheer
  35. Snowdrop Giftcane
  36. Alabaster Sugarmoon
  37. Fizzy Chimneyivy
  38. Brandysnap Puddingbeard
  39. Jolly Wigglemitten
  40. Blue Nippymilk
  41. Evie Ivydash
  42. Winter Frostsong
  43. Merry Chimneymitten
  44. Mint Nippyjoke
  45. Perky Sparklemyrrh
  46. Mistletoe Sleepytree
  47. Ember Puddingbow
  48. Evie Firebeard
  49. Dandy Nightsleigh
  50. Fuzzle Cracklecane
  51. Twinkle Sparkletoy
  52. Trinket Chillcheer
  53. Garland Hollymyrrh
  54. Snowflake Candlemilk
  55. Mistletoe Milkywine
  56. Mince Chillykiss
  57. Ice Sweetwarmth
  58. Hazelnut Hollygift
  59. Ginger Sugarfeast
  60. Flake Carolmyrrh
  61. Jolly Hustlemitten
  62. Blitz Carolguest
  63. Jingle Milkwish
  64. Button Poemhope
  65. Pine Jollyglove
  66. Twinkletoes Chimneyguest
  67. Gingersnap Magicbeard
  68. Coco Nightwine
  69. Fig Carolguest
  70. Perky Rhymelaugh
  71. Candycane Ivybeard
  72. Gingersnap Grottonight
  73. Jingle Mittenjump
  74. Figgy Poembow
  75. Nutmeg Sugarbox
  76. Snappy Plumfoot
  77. Sparkle Candycheer
  78. Berry Sweetflake
  79. Blitz Jigglefriend
  80. Dash Nippyhat
  81. Flake Busyflake
  82. Cinnamon Frostyguest
  83. Starlight Nibblefeast
  84. Sugarplum Muffindance
  85. Bluebell Chillcheer
  86. Twinkletoes Milkkiss
  87. Fig Chillyflake
  88. Pine Chillsong
  89. Sugarplum Hustlemoon
  90. Skittle Nibbleglove
  91. Button Hollyspirit
  92. Ice Bustledancer
  93. Sparkle Nightmitten
  94. Snowball Goodyflake
  95. Candycane Giftbow
  96. Angel Cracklesledge
  97. Mint Carolbox
  98. Trinket Hollyivy
  99. Choco Partysleigh
  100. Nutmeg Frostyplum

Quite a big list of Christmas Elf Names, right? Did you like any?

Evil and Dark Elf names

Dark Elf is a creation of Norse mythology. But it is not just about the ancient civilization. The Dark elf survived the Norse era and dozens of eras later. Dark elves can still be seen and felt.  Below is the list of some of the dark elves names:

  1. Dreklail Dalvi
  2. Zirziel Yairelreeth
  3. Aksica Wunner
  4. Edeci Vesri
  5. Ghacohi Pangogash
  6. Rhyrrern Theigiused
  7. Chocakno Taigresur
  8. Uvai Rusrer
  9. Khemzo Crizoldein
  10. Rhisini Mibe
  11. Orudri Thurvier
  12. Tindroc Sevni
  13. Gryndra Drarsir
  14. Bhacupu Shrigni
  15. Phacemi Phromae
  16. Qhucimri Zusoni
  17. Sioncyh Tuldano
  18. Tonzoh Maga
  19. Sokzadh Pilzeid
  20. Olupu Crandoh
  21. Irshado Chalvadel
  22. Gokshine Phriulded
  23. Phaponsi Khiulvinot
  24. Ebnime Khezee
  25. Ghoksebe Dreezru
  26. Oundrirth Paeganges
  27. Unda Ziurvash
  28. Adhopa Shurat
  29. Qucefro Wanzai
  30. Ghiemmyk Shubiaseh
  31. Qhinrudu Zonre
  32. Fuignic Chugreeren
  33. Dailross Thianeel
  34. Phasudu Niedorat
  35. Cepikle Shamiarvu
  36. Secle Bhanro
  37. Vytruth Khurliath
  38. Binveco Shidrubail
  39. Suiclin Kanunraeth
  40. Odnarth Rirzes
  41. Dorlae Muldra
  42. Chopophro Gedeiron
  43. Pindasi Thairsen
  44. Larrece Cozu
  45. Qhinselo Kherza
  46. Ynca Ervebit
  47. Enurru Ziesurthoh
  48. Qhimrumo Bhusalnuth
  49. Vinva Phebodral
  50. Hirise Bhizigric
  51. Phirhomi Orzubo
  52. Omzo Phrostronush
  53. Tiekrah Ghiasun
  54. Rhelansho Phirziunil
  55. Apada Sharazri
  56. Cimdru Pagiuth
  57. Biceh Kevnees
  58. Sadrekh Renvrer
  59. Dhymnakh Phairled
  60. Orad Krabael
  61. Adhono Udush
  62. Chinnama Khondred
  63. Vemla Alzoh
  64. Ikzass Phrilnet
  65. Fuku Keerignis
  66. Qhemennu Phurolnuh
  67. Qhamiklu Vaizogul
  68. Iothorth Pininre
  69. Fulne Shulzun
  70. Nicral Zestria
  71. Rathul Dolvomiu
  72. Rhilakh Pervush
  73. Etu Ruzri
  74. Gralva Noshro
  75. Dhufromu Vebuvno
  76. Ghumnuce Shredusah
  77. Curness Phriagraegur
  78. Khyclath Donnedus
  79. Qirella Vareldru
  80. Qibuphne Phurunzie
  81. Qebnehi Bierthasic
  82. Rurlorth Keenrigun
  83. Mufrube Bezieroh
  84. Urshale Yiaras
  85. Ilnili Chovra
  86. Odnorn Drizrazes
  87. Phelero Rirthoziel
  88. Bhirzy Rinzai
  89. Drukziek Thiman
  90. Bhoredhu Cosrunet
  91. Brerurn Khigrir
  92. Viocnu Duginnosh
  93. Gheknoh Waerthil
  94. Qibsise Cimendosh
  95. Bhubunse Togrot
  96. Ghecuna Sarerdrei
  97. Qhibidru Obungiah
  98. Lebodre Zumonu
  99. Qinsada Giredreit
  100. Grinvik Shragreen
  101. Vorvarn Reenguri
  102. Urheno Thimirus

Half Elves

Half-elves are the hybrid offspring of both a human and high elf. They can be offspring of a human and a half-elf. And they can also be the product of two half-elf parents. They usually have a combination of physical characteristics from both sides.

some of the half-elves’ names are below:

  1. Ranindel Virdove
  2. Farbyran Neritoris
  3. Jacelor Ernorin
  4. Berqinor Virgeiros
  5. Wilamar Sylxisys
  6. Bellanor Norxidor
  7. Reyverel Mirasatra
  8. Sanmon Thelynn
  9. Uanreak Bidi
  10. Zantevar Elhorn
  11. Rodlaer Luyarus
  12. Osendyl Ralohana
  13. Xanxiron Eldan
  14. Nigneak Orira
  15. Engtevar Holanan
  16. Ullumin Eilren
  17. Artien Gensandoral
  18. Nycoamar Ralolar
  19. Torith Heineiros
  20. Krisin Reyrel
  21. Garynor Orisalor
  22. Adben Farxisys
  23. Gabrune Miaqen
  24. Thomfyndar Dornan
  25. Meiellan Lorajeon
  26. Winaith Omatris
  27. Rogborin Glynwynn
  28. Fertael Ararie
  29. Ferrath Dorroris
  30. Anthath Wranrona
  31. Mallora Urinan
  32. Athna Ilihorn
  33. Genleria Zinrona
  34. Therlatha Inadi
  35. Elyewaris Bryzorwyn
  36. Mirlarel Qincan
  37. Irolanil Ernan
  38. Wolmadia Arapetor
  39. Alyria Ilirona
  40. Lilidue Kelfina
  41. Hegefarrel Keyralei
  42. Gresdelia Holadan
  43. Bynryll Elaren
  44. Gressianna Sarren
  45. Jenlessa Nerira
  46. Joysula Qinhorn
  47. Joylynor Beipeiros
  48. Gresnor Yelgolor
  49. Hadlica Bryric
  50. Melradyl Wynphine
  51. Adelrathla Farbanise
  52. Sephstele Wysalar
  53. Edebrae Balvyre
  54. Ismennee Miramyar
  55. Adnaril Xyrgwyn
  56. Manlenas Faekas
  57. Jinrina Leoberos
  58. Ismendaerae Pertoris
  59. Bellorna Yinran
  60. Jesmadia Aracaryn
  61. Merlesse Oriric
  62. Hosnaestra Olaydark
  63. Mathlaya Perfina
  64. Evelana Thewynn
  65. Queanys Umestina
  66. Elisniel Sarbalar
  67. Cednesra Yelsatra
  68. Maercaena Fargeiros
  69. Mereledha Iankian
  70. Merlira Craphine
  71. Ganora Keaxidor
  72. Norrila Cramaris
  73. Athrae Virsandoral
  74. Nazira Varie
  75. Marlee Liamyar
  76. Yllaerys Magcyne
  77. Hegerindra Waesberos
  78. Elizlya Urikrana
  79. Zelrelle Xilfina
  80. Nordiane Balbanise
  81. Ellihn Presralei
  82. Darthyl Jomaer
  83. Mariria Zinrona
  84. Vylmanda Lukas
  85. Venlynn Carcyne
  86. Iselyaries Magjeon
  87. Gisezael Quipetor
  88. Hoslynn Arazumin
  89. Miliphira Zumnelis
  90. Athvae Yesfaren
  91. Athwyn Eildan
  92. Lesmyra Eilcyne
  93. Wolkiasha Ularie
  94. Mereshara Caitris
  95. Fhalila Elaren
  96. Branrin Elamys
  97. Sararyl Yesbalar
  98. Hosrelle Torkas
  99. Mirlin Beisalor
  100. Esanora Iantris
  101. Hawshia Eladithas
  102. Winnandra Sarharice
  103. Elizliania Enven
  104. Mereralla Quibalar
  105. Evelleth Chaegella
  106. Jeskiasha Heilynn
  107. Liliwalyn Vaynore
  108. Beatlica Ianlee
  109. Selradyl Lugella
  110. Gonriani Morthana
  111. Wymmer Aedan
  112. Gabcoril Yinthana
  113. Gillamir Gilran

High Elves Names Generator

The high elves are a race descended from the Highborne night elves. Night elves left Kalimdor and settled in the Eastern Kingdoms. And founds Quel’Thalas.

Below is the list of some high elves:

  1. Ainetu
  2. Ahmon
  3. Misobhar
  4. Earnasan
  5. Mokainn
  6. Earnonn
  7. Yumuil
  8. Yisomemah
  9. Misemin
  10. Cealleal
  11. Gelalae
  12. Caenala
  13. Caenane
  14. Deiraoin
  15. Naemoma
  16. Cainnoni
  17. Aemauma
  18. Takania
  19. Magaid
  20. Cearulah
  21. Saenita
  22. Aestangwa
  23. Aesteine
  24. Wikis
  25. Moruala
  26. Moirighid
  27. Faenawa
  28. Medenda
  29. Aiyine
  30. Daerathla
  31. Ahmoton
  32. Eacheamas
  33. Feareamas
  34. Ceallomemah
  35. Caimoki
  36. Eamamh
  37. Arabaoo
  38. Eamaon
  39. Kelionn
  40. Ahmeaglan
  41. Eorulah
  42. Taerunia
  43. Brigeal
  44. Eilala
  45. Gaelawa
  46. Onidinka
  47. Aiyinita
  48. Maedaenon
  49. Faenaela
  50. Onise
  51. Morinka
  52. Etenis
  53. Muirilahi
  54. Aelirne
  55. Fenaena
  56. Aoibiav
  57. Caenita
  58. Eaduala
  59. Eistuanee
  60. Mairaenon
  61. Moreekoni
  62. Koline
  63. Orlilin
  64. Wakania
  65. Cheyaigen
  66. Alisighid
  67. Donose
  68. Agalae
  69. Medinn
  70. Saenirne
  71. Kelunta
  72. Hahnotah
  73. Niadhimon
  74. Raemotah
  75. Eamimon
  76. Finnionn
  77. Adhosan
  78. Ailaska
  79. Dinabaoo
  80. Colainn
  81. Maenathla
  82. Namenda
  83. Naemeann
  84. Lenmionn
  85. Eilanon
  86. Deirose
  87. Nualoni
  88. Mairiav
  89. Eilita
  90. Onuanee
  91. Aodhanan
  92. Tasaire
  93. Yumeaglan
  94. Ahmonn
  95. Raemoton
  96. Ailearn
  97. Agair
  98. Mokoki
  99. Muirachme
  100. Taimahome
  101. Yumeart
  102. Faelileas
  103. Kelanu
  104. Wanileas
  105. Niadhetu
  106. Fearerian
  107. Lansair
  108. Yisiarn
  109. Honotah
  110. Saemoine
  111. Muirionan
  112. Yisunta
  113. Cailead
  114. Maoilionn
  115. Cailahton
  116. Cillobhar
  117. Tasin
  118. Agiachna
  119. Maodhachme
  120. Conando
  121. Wakeamhna
  122. Yokenna
  123. Aguoia
  124. Maeroma
  125. Amighid
  126. Awenaid
  127. Sibane
  128. Doneal
  129. Cealliona
  130. Ailaimh
  131. Eorearca
  132. Terathla
  133. Briguoia
  134. Yokaoin
  135. Magona
  136. Shaneala
  137. Ailinn
  138. Gaeleamhna
  139. Daerinn
  140. Onaoine
  141. Dakeyo
  142. Honimon
  143. Adhoki
  144. Cadhainn
  145. Agos
  146. Deamamh
  147. Ahmeaglan
  148. Eirias
  149. Earainn
  150. Yisaidh
  151. Dakiarn
  152. Keletu
  153. Faeleidigh
  154. Lansomemah
  155. Caoleart
  156. Ceanotah
  157. Senaon
  158. Lansopka
  159. Earnotah
  160. Finairian
  161. Taeralae
  162. Caelinn
  163. Finalasa
  164. Finane
  165. Takionn
  166. Ceallawa
  167. Caenangwa
  168. Cheyania
  169. Amaenon
  170. Muironora
  171. Saenalae
  172. Aemaenon
  173. Terearca
  174. Cainnaoine
  175. Caelaela
  176. Deireala
  177. Soroma
  178. Yokaela
  179. Brigine
  180. Nualita
  181. Laenulah
  182. Aghneis
  183. Brigoni
  184. Naemeamhna
  185. Aeralasa
  186. Cheyinn
  187. Etenangwa
  188. Ailane
  189. Eadeis
  190. Eadighid
  191. Adhionan
  192. Apenamh
  193. Eachuan
  194. Eirnanu
  195. Raemeasal
  196. Peadeanan
  197. Finaoilin
  198. Senenam
  199. Delsos
  200. Dinoton

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